Wednesday 9 July 2014

Who am I?

Alright, my Land Rover's not as old as some, and my dog's not as young as others......actually that more or less describes me! I heard today that 60 is the new 30, so that goes someway to explaining why at 58 I feel like 14. I just wish my body would join in!
My Discovery started life as quite an upmarket vehicle, complete with such luxuries as air conditioning (only an empty drive belt pulley remains) and remote locking ( 10 clicks of the button to lock,  20 to unlock) and it was a lovely shade of green known as Ardennes. Now it is hand painted matt black in a shade known as .......well......matt black. I used to have a Defender but I think I will save that story for a future blog about taking your dog to a car rally.
My, or rather my wife's dog,  is a black German Shepherd with a hint of collie or Belgian Shepherd or Batman, depending on the varied opinions of the many people who like to tell us what sort of dog we have. Actually no one has yet said Batman but when I look in the mirror when driving, particularly when the moon is bright, it's easy to imagine that I am in Gotham City driving an alternative Batmobile.  Well, they are both matt black.   
Her name is Skye and she is round about ....let's see...we got her from the RSPCA in Sept 13 and she was about 8 months old. It's July 14 now and if  my maths is correct she is about 19 months old, with a big 'ish' . She had parvo virus as a puppy and the RSPCA took her in and cured her. We were looking for a rescue dog and one day my wife saw her on their web site and I was lucky enough to be the first one to visit her. On the day we collected her there were other people hoping to see her and I was very glad we had acted promptly.  Sometimes I am prone to overthink things and subsequently miss the boat. Not this time though!
 This is my wife Amy. She was practising a well known martial art in the forest when even she was surprised at her own strength! By day she is a researcher at a well known University in a city known as 'The Toon'.  By night she is usually asleep - she is lucky enough to have the ability to fall asleep instantly even in the middle of some noisy event, like a war film or some unknown person snoring.
She has seen many films, but sadly has no idea how most of them end.
And this is me basking in the glory of having climbed Everest, no....... wait, that was another day, this is actually a small pile of rocks somewhere near Rothbury WW1 training trenches. An interesting walk and again a story I will tell another day.
I  retired after 30 years as a  police officer then managed to survive 4 years assisting a paramedic on an emergency ambulance. Trying to pick up a naked dead man (not as nice as it sounds)  on a very steep stairway did something nasty to my shoulder and if you can't carry people, you can't work on an ambulance. So now I find myself with time to start writing again, beginning with this blog.
I sometimes adopt the motto  "If at first you don't succeed, pack it in"  but my wife doesn't approve of that so nor do I now!
See you next time......  

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